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Ridgeland Roof Replacement

Reliable Reroofing Services Throughout Madison County

Since a roof is critical in protecting an entire household from inclement weather and extreme temperatures, it is important to replace a faulty roof as soon as possible. Although no one wants to spend money unnecessarily, it is better to be safe than sorry. Even a slightly sagging roof can jeopardize the well-being of family members and guests. Our team at Reflex Roofing and Construction is ready to provide dependable Ridgeland roof replacement and reroofing. We can even offer emergency services if a faulty roof is endangering your home’s security. Whether you are in need of an inspection, or complete replacement, our roofing experts are able to provide the services you need.

For more info about our free estimates, contact our Ridgeland roof replacement team now at (601) 258-8899 or speak to us online.

Signs it’s time to Replace Your Roof

The problem with scheduling a roof replacement is that there is no neon sign to alert residents that their roof is failing. This is why being aware of common signs of roof trouble can help homeowners avoid a collapsed roof.

How to know when it is time to replace a roof: 

  • Shingles that are bald or missing granules
  • A roof that is beginning to dip in the middle
  • Places on the roof which are soft or constantly damp
  • Excessive leaks from multiple parts of the roof
  • Water damage such as warped floorboards and walls, or stains on ceiling and carpet
  • Growth of mold, algae, moss, or mildew
  • Extremely high utility bills on account of poor ventilation

What Is Reroofing?

Re-roofing is the process of adding another layer of shingles on top of the current one, instead of replacing them. When done right, re-roofing makes the entire structure much more secure, and it does not take nearly as much time as roof replacement. Since the shingles do not need to be removed, this cuts costs both in terms of labor as well as materials. 

What is The Difference Between Re-Roofing & a New Roof?

Re-roofing and installing a new roof differ in the amount of work involved. Re-roofing means adding a new layer of roofing material on top of the existing one. On the other hand, a new roof involves removing the old roof entirely and installing a brand new one from scratch. This is necessary when the existing roof is severely damaged or old. A new roof allows for addressing underlying issues, ensuring proper insulation, and creating a fresh and strong roofing system.

Roof Replacement or Reroofing

When roofs begin to experience a lot of problems, from missing shingles to broken tiles, homeowners may begin to wonder if they need to have the roof replaced. Generally, a roof that is extremely old should be replaced since more repairs are just going to add up in cost over time. However, there are certain occasions where a roof may be viable for re-roofing instead. Our team can help determine the appropriate actions that need to be taken to protect your roof.

How to Tell If Your House Is Viable for Reroofing

While reroofing may sound like an excellent choice, this option is not available for all properties. For example, a house that has already undergone reroofing cannot do so again. This extra layer would be too heavy, causing the roof to collapse. If there are large, bare spots without any shingles at all, there is not enough of a structure for a new layer to be attached. The same rule applies if the roof is starting to sag in the middle. To find out if a house can be reroofed, seek out an inspection from our knowledgeable experts. Our team at Reflex Roofing and Construction is committed to helping residents stay safe and comfortable. 

Get in touch with our specialists at (601) 258-8899 for thorough Ridgeland roof replacement and reroofing.

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